
Since 2011, I am Associate Professor (actually Profesor Titular de Universidad) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), in the Robotics and Control System Group at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT) in the Control Systems and Automation area, where I was previously Assistant Professor since 2005.

I received my Telecomunication Engineer degree in 2004 from the UPM, being my advisor Javier Macías Guarasa, and my PhD degree in 2009 from the UPM, being my advisors Félix Monasterio-Hulin Maciá and Luis Magdalena Layos.

During my PhD period I spent 6 months at the Institute de Recherches Interdisciplinaires et de Développements en Intelligence Artificielle (IRIDIA) under the supervision of Marco Dorigo, and some months, during several visits, at the European Centre for Soft Computing (ECSC) under the supervision of Luis Magdalena Layos.

My research focuses mainly on Control Systems and Swarm Robotics. I'm specially involved in distributed, local and situated communications, where there is not need for any central brain or system.

My research interest include also Sensors Networks and Demand-Side Management methods specially applied to home automation systems and self-sufficient buildings powered by solar energy.

You can check here my google scholar and ReseachGate profiles.